
Friday, June 29, 2012

Lightening Bugs from Band-Aids

I have so many fond memories of chasing lightening bugs when I was a child. My Granny would give us some canning jars and we would run around the yard, just at dusk, to collect as many as we could. Then we would sit on the front porch and bask in the warm glow illuminating from our jars until Momma's from all around the neighborhood starting calling their children home from their open back doors! The sky would then become an amazing display of fireworks as all the jars were opened and those jewels-of-the-night set free!

Sadly, we don't see many lightening bugs at our house. If we go out at dusk, we are eaten up by mosquitoes! So we made some lightening bugs of our own to enjoy in the comfort of our dining room which is, after all, mosquito free!

Materials- Black construction paper, glue, glitter, colored band-aids, google eyes

1. Make moon and star shapes with the glue on the black construction paper.
2. Sprinkle glitter on the glue.
3. Stick band-aids criss-crossed for wings and then one straight across them for the body.
4. Glue on eyes and make glitter antenna.

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