
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Absorb Knowledge from God

Lord, I want to continue to grow in You and Your Word. I want to be wise and absorb the lessons you try to teach me! Help me to learn from my mistakes so I won't have to repeat them. I want to listen for your voice of guidance in all that I do!

Much like the celery uses what it has been given for continued growth, help me to make the most out of my situation (good or not so good) and TRUST you!

Cut the bottom of the stalk and place in a cup of food coloring. Wait for a day or two and watch how the dye is drawn up by the celery. If you slice the celery in half, you can actually see the tubes which carried the dye up the stalk. Science is so cool!

Consume the Word, eat a Bible Cookie! (HeeHee) We made these for Sunday School snacks.

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