
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

If it Rolls . . . It Can Paint

If it rolls . . . it can paint!
That was our motto today! We started out to just paint with some marbles. 

 We had so much fun that we started looking around for other round things to paint with. We found different size balls and other toys at first. Then he decided to use one of his snacks, grapes. This lead us to the kitchen where we found some more fun things. Little Mister pointed out to me the difference in size of our selected items because he sorted them. This got me to thinking. 
I divided our paper into 4 squares by gluing on some uncooked Fettuccine.
Then we used each square to paint our 4 kitchen items.
Grape Tomatoes 
Coriander (spice)
The 4 squares allowed us to compare the painted lines of our items.
We discussed how the bigger items made bigger lines with paint and the smallest items left behind small lines.
A fun and educational project!



  1. That is a great idea. I love that you found different things that roll and compared what the paintings looked like using the different things. Thank you for sharing on Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  2. Oh this looks fun! We will definietly try this soon.

  3. Thanks y'all! My Little Mister has an inquisitive mind!

  4. This is a brilliant idea
    I would love if you could add it to my comments on my paint post please

    1. I'd love to share, just not sure where on you blog.

  5. Oh, how fun!! Love the ideas! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
