
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Day of Praise in the Park

My husband and I have recently started our own business which we call "Wear It 2 Share It". He has been drawing a series involving the whole armor of God. Each piece is printed alone on a t-shirt and when he completes the entire set, he will put them together and make a complete soldier. He is extremely talented and always gives the credit for his ability to the Lord!
Every year in October, a near by town hosts a festival called Praise in the Park. There are all kinds of vendors from all over the U.S. Christians bands play throughout the day on several stages around the downtown area. The main event takes place late in the evening when several 'big name' christian bands take the stage in the city park. This year was Building 429 and The Newsboys!
We were lucky enough to be able to set up a booth for the event. We had a amazing time. The weather was wonderful and the people were great. This was our first experience at an event this large. We learned about things we should do next time, things we will not do again and what we need to do differently!
We also made some great contacts to help expand our business. All-in-all it was a successful week-end!

If you would like to see what we have to offer, check out our etsy shop. It is still under construction but take a look around and leave some feed back. I love suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful event!! I love it! I'm off to check out your shop now. Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!
