
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bed for Corduroy

My son loves the book Corduroy. We read it every night, sometimes twice! So, today we tried to make a cozy (and yummy) bed for our admired bear friend.
I melted bakers white chocolate in the microwave. Then, I spooned a little into another spoon and placed the bear in the center of the chocolate. I used a butter knife to spread a thin layer of chocolate over the body of the bear. Finally, we rolled the bottom portion of the spoon in some colorful sprinkles.

His favorite line from the book, "Rows and rows of beds". We were at a department store and came around the corner to see, well... rows and rows of beds... He was thrilled and wanted to find the button on the bed like Corduroy. 

Eventually, our sweet bedtime friend was consumed, along with his cozy bed and colorful blanket. Wow, was he yummy!



  1. Very creative of you! You brought the to life, hmmm 'edible yummy life'!!!

  2. My son LOVES Corduroy too. He would love this. Here is a link to a Corduroy activity I did with my son if you're interested.

    1. I love it. We will definitely have to make that. Thanks.

  3. That is so cute - my little ones will love this, actually my teens will like it too.

    1. Who doesn't like chocolate and Teddy Grahams? heehee

  4. What a cute idea! I think I need to get my daughter into Courderoy so I can make some too. ;-) Thanks for following my blog! I'm following you right back!

  5. I love it! So cute and it goes perfectly with the book. That is one of my personal favorites.

  6. That is a really cute idea. I could see those spoons at baby showers too. It is great that you tied it in with the book.

    Theresa (Capri + 3)

  7. Looks great! Would be a good party food idea.

  8. This is such a cute tie-in for the book!

  9. I can remember being read the Corduroy storybooks when I was young. My kids LOVE the books now as well. What a sweet little idea to tie in with reading the books. Thank you for linking up this week to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop!

  10. How fun! I need some of those now, too! Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday. I hope we see you again this week.

  11. I love this book tie in! What a delicious bed for Corduroy! Thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn. I am going to share this post on the Read.Explore.Learn. Facebook page today.

  12. I love projects that are based on books, brings the books alive. Thanks so much for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  13. Oh, how cute!! I love it! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  14. Thank you, thank you. I love making thngs that go to books. I stumbled upon your blog and I am so glad I did. Do you have a follow by email button? Thank you my preschoolers are going to love these. God Bless. Mrs. Valerie
