
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Scarecrow Hunt

The greatest thing about living in a small town can be simple traditions! Every Fall merchants place themed scarecrows around town. They are amusing to see and many are just down right funny and cute! This year there are almost 100 scattered throughout town. Little Mister has loved seeing them as we drive around. One beautiful, cool day we decided to search for as many as we could find on foot! Of course, then we got in the car and found lots more. Here are a FEW of our favorites!



  1. Oh! I just love Halloween! Why can't we have Halloween in Greece????

  2. I LOOOOVE this! Such a creative idea...a scarecrow hunt! Halloween can be such a fun holiday when you have kiddos!
    Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Leibster Blog Award! You can find the details here!

  3. Those are some of the most creative scarecrows I've ever seen!

  4. I wish my town decorated like that!

  5. Funny how tratitions travel the world, we are in the South West of England and our village also has a scarecrow hunt. For us it is at Carnival time in the summer, but much the same. Lovely to see how many you saw, do you have a theeme? Each yesr the carinal committee set a theme for ours.
    Just popping over from Happy Family Times

    1. They called it a Scarecrow Convention this year. It was so fun. There were well over 100 scarecrows throughout our small town. Did you take any pictures? I would love to see if you did.

  6. I love community spirit. So much creativity and fun went into each of those great scarecrows. It would be fun to walk around or drive around and find them.

    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

  7. wow! that's a whole lot of scarecrows! thanks again for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  8. What a wonderful treat to have so many fun, creative scarecrows everywhere!! LOVE it!

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =-)

  9. I love small town traditions! I called the kids in to look at all of your pictures of the scarecrows and we all enjoyed the creativity that went into making the different scarecrows. Our small town does something similar with witches. Small town life is the best! Thanks for linking up this week to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop!

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