
Sunday, November 11, 2012

EYE'm Thankful

The more I look for things to be thankful for, 
the more things I see...

Open your eyes to the wonderful works around you that God has created!
I asked Little Mister the famous question, "What are you thankful for?"
He put his finger on his lips, looked up and hummed. Finally he blurted out:

God didn't have to make things so beautiful I suppose,
But I'm sure glad he did!
A few things I'm thankful for:
 crisp, blue skies in the morning.
orange hued skies before a rain
clouds that look like bunnies
the smell of freshly cut wood
tall, majestic trees

leaves that form tiny boats on a slow moving stream
the feel of cool moss on my toes
the crackle of a fire
shadows that dance on the ceiling
the color purple
the smell on rain on the wind
the softness of baby animals
wind rustling through the pines
bugs that visit my rose bush
the smoothness and coolness of rocks
the complexity of pine cones


  1. I really like this post. It refreshes me that we CAN just be thankful for popcorn. The little things add up to big things some days :) Thank you for linking up. I am thankful!

  2. I loved reading your list. I'm thankful for popcorn (more specifically -- kettle corn), too!

  3. How sweet! Can I be thankful for caramel popcorn?
    I adore your list!

    1. Thank You! Yeah, now that i think about it... caramel corn should be on there too!

  4. I love popcorn and pinecones too! This is so sweet.

    1. Thanks! Being from the South, pinecones had to appear on the list! lol

  5. I love the smoothness and coolness of rocks...that is something to be thankful for. I love that the Little Mister said popcorn. So sweet.

    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

  6. That's a lovely list. It will be a lovely one to look back on in the future.

  7. Great list! I am trying to be more thankful in the small things as well.

  8. I Love to ask my girls what they are thankful for. They come up with some pretty interesting things! Thanks for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  9. What a great post!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

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