
Thursday, November 29, 2012

My First Nativity

As a child, I vividly remember my Granny's beautiful nativity! I was in awe every year when it was carefully unwrapped and painstakingly placed in just the right spots. I knew better than to touch it, but it seemed to beckon everyone to come and gaze upon its beauty! Maybe it was the artistry of the figurines themselves or perhaps it was the beautiful way it was displayed, I couldn't really say. I do know that I loved it and wish I was in possession of it to this day!
 Little Mister is very hands on and definitely not ready to just 'gaze in awe' at anything. So I searched for some kid friendly nativities. I found an exciting (yet older) post from Mama Smiles. She used felt shapes to make the figures of the nativity scene.
I was immediately intrigued by the shapes idea. Why not sneak in some math activity while having some fun?!
We used 5 triangles, 3 circles, 2 rectangles and 1 oval.
First, he played with the shapes making all sorts of things. Then I showed how they made people when we placed them a certain way. He was thrilled! My Little Mister has such a sweet soul. When we put together the baby Jesus, he whispered, "Mommy that baby is beautiful"!
Next, we glued the shapes onto a block of wood. After it dried completely, I Modge Podged it. It now sits on our mantle and I think of my Granny's beautiful nativity every time I see it!

Remember the TRUE Reason for the Season!

Featured/Seen at:

 take me with you!   All Our Days    Photobucket    Petit Lapin    We Made That    Photobucket       


  1. I popped in to say sorry that I missed the link-up and that next Wed. I hope to link my inspirational quotes post. But, while I was popping in, I became impressed with this simple creative craft for little ones. I've shared it on Google+ to over 300 people. Isn't Modge Podge great stuff? I've seen someone transform a concrete bathroom floor with beautifully arranged pictures cut from napkins and Modge Podged to last forever. Wishing you a lovely week!

    Tina - American mom raising 4 kids in South Africa

  2. I have become a HUGE Modge Podge fan! Can't wait to see what you'll link up and Thanks for sharing my post!
    I am gonna have to go back and read your profile to find out what took you to South Africa.

  3. following back! this is such a great idea :)

  4. thanks for the follow!!! Your blog is cute and your child is even cuter :)


  5. That is BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait until Petite is old enough to make one of these! Thanks for stopping by the blog hop! xx

  6. What a great idea! I love how simple it is and I'm sure your son loves having his own nativity.

  7. New follower Via The I love my posts weekend blog hop. Looking forward to reading more of your posts :)

  8. i love this! i have been looking for a nativity scene my one and half year old can touch and play with while we talk about it. thank you for sharing!

  9. I love the way you put this together on a piece of wood!

  10. So simple but looks so good. Fantastic for littlies to do and play with.

  11. What a great idea! Thank you for helping us remember what CHRISTmas is all about! Thanks so much for sharing at our Countdown to Christmas link party! Hope you'll continue to link up! Have a great week! :)

  12. this one! Thanks for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land...hope to see you again soon :)

  13. Love this! Thanks so much for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  14. i love this more than i could ever tell you. just darling and truly shows the meaning of this season. thanks so much for linking it up to tip-toe thru tuesday. it'll be featured next week :)

  15. This is simple beauty of your nativity! What a great project! I shared it with my Facebook readers here:!/LivingLifeIntentionally

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great day =-)

  16. I love the incorporation of the shapes as the basic building blocks!

  17. A very cute project. Love the simplicity of it.

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  18. Oh, I love this!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  19. I love this! Simple and beautiful. Stopping by from

  20. I love this! I will be featuring it at my next Super Link Party! :-) Thanks for sharing!

  21. so precious!! i love this and will be featuring it tomorrw!!!

  22. Thank you so much for sharing on my blog hop!

  23. did you use felt pieces or construction paper? i would find it hard to modge podge over felt.
