
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Respect Your Elders

 I know I have mentioned before that my mom lives in an apartment complex for elderly and disabled folks. I've discovered lately that old folks do everything early. Up at 4 a.m., dinner around 4 p.m. and bed by 6! Apparently, they also celebrate holidays early as well! This past week-end they had their Thanksgiving dinner. As my Little Mister is loved by all, we were invited!
Our first task was to make some little crafty item to take. We decided on napkin rings.
 I taped some bubble wrap to the table and Little Mister spread on yellow, orange, red and brown paint all over it. He then spread a piece of white paper over the bubble wrap and smoothed it down. It left a great print! After it dried, we cut it into strips and covered our TP rolls. We added some orange napkins and... Ta-Da! Everyone loved them.

During their meal, we fetched forks, plates, drinks and whatever else was needed. We served everyone before we stopped to try some of the delicious food. We then helped clear the table, sweep and take out the trash.
It was a great opportunity to teach Little Mister about helping others, putting other peoples needs before your own and to respect your elders!
I fear respect for self and others is a tired old tradition in some people's eyes. So sad! 
They say the world can be changed one mind at a time. Well, I'm doing my part by teaching my child the biblical principle of RESPECT!

I would love to hear what you are doing with your little ones as you teach them about respect!

On a side note:
I am thankful for the knowledge and stories that are elders carry with them. I love to hear about their childhood and their younger daily lives. Imagine how much change they have seen in their lifetime. It always amazes me to think how swiftly our world does change. Makes me kind of sad in a sentimental way!
Tell me 'bout the Good Ole Days!


  1. Thanks for linking up with us at the Social Hop =)

  2. It is amazing what our elders can teach us. Love the crafty thing you guys came up with. Stopping by from the Harvest of Friends hop. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend. :)
    Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

  3. Ah-mazing craft! I love it! But you are right about the respect and giving back! These are topics that seem to be very low on societies priorities list lately. We grow up in a me me me mindset! I think it is wonderful what you are teaching your son!

  4. How sweet of you to join the party. I'm sure they enjoyed the company of your little guy. You taught some great lessons to your son this week. I am super grateful to know there are parents like you raising children! Thank you for linking up!

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