
Friday, October 5, 2012

Chicken Sounds in a Cup

I've unintentionally started a Science Play series. 
It was hard not to. 
As an undergrad I studied Chemistry.
In grad school, I started in Environmental Toxicology then went on to Forrest Entomology. 
See, I have a special place in my heart for science. 
Yes, I am currently a stay at home mommy, but still a scientist at heart!

Today we played with vibrations.

The science behind the play:
Sound comes from vibrations. The vibrations from the string would be almost silent without the cup, by adding the cup, it spreads the vibrations and amplifies the sound (makes them louder.) 

How to make your Chicken in a Cup:
1.Cut a piece of yarn about 20 inches long. 
2. Use a nail to carefully punch a hold in the center of the bottom of the cup.
3. Tie one end of the yarn to the middle of the paper clip. 
4. Push the other end of the yarn through the hole in the cup and pull it through.
5. Get a piece of paper towel about the size of a dollar bill, then fold it once and get it slightly damp.
6. Now it's time to make some noise! Hold the cup firmly in one hand, and wrap the damp paper towel around the string near the cup. While you squeeze the string, pull down in short jerks so that the paper towel tightly slides along the string. If all goes well - you hear a chicken! 


  1. That is so cool. I will definitely try it with my kids! Thanks!

  2. I remember doing this exact experiment when I was about 10. So much fun and definitely something I'd love to do with my daughter. Glad you had fun doing it.

    1. It's one I had forgotten about too. I don't know why because it is awesome!

  3. Your story is awesome. I love how God blesses us with things we least expect. His timing and gifts are always perfect. I'm following you from the Friday Hop.

    1. Totally agree. HIS timing is perfect! I honestly don't think I would have been ready for my Little Mister earlier in life. Although I am the oldest Mommy in my group of friends, I'm lovin it!
      Coming over to check your blog out,

  4. cool post! would you like to follow each other in gfc? let me know!

  5. Too neat!!

    Stopping by from Friday Chaos. New follower.


  6. That's great!!

    Congratulations on your One Lovely Blog Award.

    First time follower via the hop.

    Hope to see you over my way sometime.

    Have a great weekend.

  7. I am going to try this with my kids next week! I know they'll love it. Thanks! Thanks also, for visiting my blog, your kind comments and the follow. I would be happy to follow you back and to definitely "pick" your brain as to good science activities for my children! :-) Many blessings, Lisa

  8. How cool is that?? And look at those big, beautiful eyes!!!

    Following you from the hop.

  9. I'll have to try this out with the Beanie Babies!

    Thanks for linking up with Super Sunday Sync!
    Hope to see you next week :)

  10. What a fun idea! I'm following from the Sunday Sync--have a great day!
    Angela @

  11. Love this. As you know, I was born without the craft gene. I need all the help I can get. Thanks for the GREAT IDEAS!! Happy to be following.

  12. The nerd in me loves it! You should see my daughter's science week shirt

  13. Very cool - what a GREAT idea! I am pinning to do it with my kiddos too =-)

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you linked up again on Friday,
    Beth =-)

  14. Very cute experiment! We will have to try it sometime!

  15. What a great post - can't wait to try this :)

  16. I love the idea of a science series. Children learn so much with fun activities like is.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase!

  17. I wonder if my backyard chickens would appreciate this science experiment. I know my kids would love to act like chickens while making chicken noises with their cups. haha! I will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  18. What a fun idea! Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday (sorry I'm late commenting, out of town recently).
