
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Co-Hosting Mom's Library Link Up

I am so excited to be co-hosting the Mom's Library Link-Up. I am looking forward to this new adventure and can't wait to see all the amazing things you have done this week. 
I would love if you followed my blog and liked us on Facebook.

This weeks featured post from Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk...

Old Junk to New Treasures from Homemaker Mom

 Welcome to Mom's Library!

Filled with parenting tips, activities for young children, devotionals, crafts, recipes, and more!
Check back again and again to see the new posts!
Follow the Mom's Library Pinterest Board to see all of our featured links.
If you were featured, please grab a featured button on the Mom's Library Page

Would you like to Participate?

Please follow follow the Host : True Aim 
If you are new and would like to link up please checkout the Mom's Library Page. Support your fellow bloggers and comment on at least 2 other links.
parents as teachers
*By linking up, you are granting me permission to use and/or re-post photographs from your blog or website.


  1. Hi! Julie. I think it's my first time on your blog. Congrats on the new linky, and I'll be sure to follow!

  2. Just in case you didn't realize, you have captcha on. I have it off and the blogger filter rarely ever lets through a spam comment!

    1. Thanks, I will change that. It is sooooo annoying!

  3. Looks awesome! Checking out your feature now!

    1. Thanks. I feel like I'm off since I'm not at my own computer. Thanks again and hopefully I will be fully up and running tomorrow afternoon!

  4. Julie! Thank you for featuring me! I was so tickled when I saw that. Thanks for the hop as well!

  5. Oo and I grabbed your button too and placed it at my blog!

    1. Thanks! I love making "mini-worlds", as my Little Mister calls them. Thanks for linking up!

  6. Thanks for the invite! I'm all linked up. :)

  7. Nice information Good Post,Looking for more blogs.
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