
Monday, October 29, 2012

Yarn Germs

Look at the reason we WASH our HANDS:
Germs! YUCK!
 It's really hard to explain to little one's about things they can not see, so we made some cute "giant" yarn germs to use for teaching about the importance of washing your hands!

 We started by mixing pieces of yarn and small pom-poms in a bowl with glue. I added a dash of water to help with the mixing process. Little Mister liked this part even though he kept saying it was gross and glue-y!
We put a few pieces into each cup of an old muffin pan. Then, we placed it in the oven for about 40 minutes at 200*. We let them cool then removed them from the pan.
Here are a few of our creations:

Then the science/hygiene lesson began:
Germs are a group of tiny invaders that can make our bodies sick.
Some kids may think that germs are bugs or cooties or other gross stuff. Actually, germs are tiny organisms, or living things, that can cause disease. Germs are so small and sneaky that they creep into our bodies without being noticed. In fact, germs are so tiny that you need to use a microscope to see them. When they get in our bodies, we don't know what hit us until we have symptoms that say we've been attacked!

What Do Germs Do?

Once germs invade our bodies, they snuggle in for a long stay. They gobble up nutrients and energy, and can produce toxins, which are proteins that are actually like poisons. Those toxins can cause symptoms of common infections, like fevers, sniffles, rashes, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea.
How do doctors figure out what germs are doing? They take a closer look. By looking at samples of blood, urine, and other fluids under a microscope or sending these samples to a laboratory for more tests, doctors can tell which germs are living in your body and how they are making you sick.

How Can You Protect Yourself From Germs?

Most germs are spread through the air in sneezes, coughs, or even breaths. Germs can also spread in sweat, saliva, and blood. Some pass from person to person by touching something that is contaminated, like shaking hands with someone who has a cold and then touching your own nose.
Steering clear of the things that can spread germs is the best way to protect yourself. And that means . . .
Hand Washing! Remember the two words germs fear — soap and water. Washing your hands well and often is the best way to beat these tiny warriors. Wash your hands every time you cough or sneeze, before you eat or prepare foods, after you use the bathroom, after you touch animals and pets, after you play outside, and after you visit a sick relative or friend.
There is a right way to wash your hands. Use warm water and soap and rub your hands together for at least 15 seconds, which is about how long it takes to sing "Happy Birthday."
Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cover your mouth when you cough to keep from spreading germs. So if you have to cough, it is best to do it in your elbow so your are not contaminating your hands.
Using tissues for your sneezes and sniffles is another great weapon against germs. But don't just throw tissues on the floor to pick up later. Toss them in the trash and, again, wash your hands!
Another way to fight and prevent infections is to make sure you get all the routine immunizations from your doctor. No one likes to get shots but these help keep your immune system strong and prepared to battle germs. You can also keep your immune system strong and healthy by eating well, exercising regularly, and getting good sleep. All this will help you to be prepared to fight germs that cause illness.
Now that you know the facts about germs, you may still pick up a cough or a cold once in a while, but you'll be ready to keep most of those invading germs from moving in.
This guy is hanging on our bathroom mirror as a reminder to WASH our HANDS
Washing your hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading.  
When germs go down the drain, they can't make anyone sick.

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  1. WOW! Informative, educational, creative, fun! You're goooood!

  2. Cute Idea! We are now following your blog! Come and check us out!
    Brooke from

  3. So creative, love it! Thanks so much for linking up to Tot School Tuesday!!

  4. Replies
    1. He has loved them!We have one hanging on our bathroom mirror and I hear ou's and ah's every time he goes in!

  5. That is a really cute idea and a great way to start a conversation about germs.

    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

    1. I though it was very important going into the Cold and Flu season!

  6. This is incredibly creative and fun and such a fantastic learning lesson! Following you via the linky- Monica

  7. Hi! Congrats! Your yarn germs are featured at my href="">Super Link Party! :-)
    Come on by, check it out, and gab a button! :-)

  8. What a great lesson and such a fun way of teaching it! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  9. Wow is all I can say. This is fun and educational. Quick question and sorry if it sounds silly but hey that's me, did you add the eyes to the baking process or after, again sorry. I know I'm going to get alot of really's. You also gave me a great idea for some ornaments using this technique, I have a gingerbread man pan and I'll have the kids do the same process and adding dodads to them. Can't wait to get started. Thank you again you sparked my creativity. God Bless. Mrs. Valerie

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