
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mayflower Math and More

 OK, I know the first thing you may be thinking... Since when were pirates on the Mayflower?! Answer: Since my Little Mister became obsessed! This was a fun project/activity and pretty easy!

 I had some thin strips of Balsam wood left over from one of my projects, so I just cut out a boat shape. I halved 2 craft sticks and hot glued them together and then along each side of my boat. Across the bottom, I glued 2 more sticks after trimming about 3/4 of an inch off. Then I glued the entire boat to a pre-painted paper plate. The thickness of the doubled craft sticks allows plenty of room to slide other sticks "in" the boat. We then painted masts and stamped some sails. Finally, we decorated some craft sticks as people!
Pilgrims and Pirates!

 You can play Mayflower Math many ways depending on your child's skill level. First I just asked him to put 2 pilgrams and 1 pirate in the boat. Then we counted 2+1. Or, 4 pirates were on the boat and one jumped overboard. How many were left, 4-1? You get the idea!
We also tried to play with a die. He rolled and added that number in the boat. Rolled again and took that many out.
Simple but very fun!

We also made a Mayflower handprint that I think turned out VERY cute!

Alright, not only an I a science geek, I am also a history hound! So here is some interesting information about the Mayflower and her famous voyage!

The Mayflower departed Plymouth, England on September 6/16, 1620, with 102 passengers and about 30 crew members aboard the small 100-foot ship. During the first month of the voyage, the seas were not severe, but by the second month the ship was being hit by strong North Atlantic winter gales, causing the ship to be badly shaken, with water leaking from structural damage. There were two deaths, but this was just a precursor of what happened after their arrival in Cape Cod, when almost half the company would die in the first winter.
On November 9/19, 1620, they sighted land, which was Cape Cod. After several days of trying to sail south to their planned destination of the Colony of Virginia, strong winter seas forced them to return to the harbor at Cape Cod hook, where they anchored on November 11/21. The Mayflower Compact was signed that day.
The Mayflower has a famous place in American history as a symbol of early European colonization of the future United States.

List of Mayflower Passengers
This is a list of the passengers on board the Mayflower during its trans-Atlantic voyage of September 6 - November 9, 1620, the majority of them becoming the settlers of Plymouth Colony in what is now Massachusetts. Of the passengers, 37 were members of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the New World. The Mayflower launched with 102 passengers, as well as at least two dogs, and a crew of 25-30 headed by Captain Christopher Jones. One baby was born during the trip and named Oceanus Hopkins. Another, Peregrine (meaning "wanderer") White, was born on the Mayflower in America on November 20, before the settlement at Plymouth. About half of these emigrants died in the first winter. Many Americans can trace their ancestry back to one or more of these individuals who, 'Saints' and 'Strangers' together, would become known as the Pilgrims.

Persons with an asterisk after their name are known to have died in the winter of 1620-1621
  • Allerton, Isaac
    • Mary (Norris) Allerton*, wife 
    • Bartholomew Allerton, 7, son 
    • Remember Allerton, 5, daughter (Leiden, Netherlands)
    • Mary Allerton, 3, daughter (Leiden, Netherlands), the last survivor of the Mayflower company
  • Bradford, William 
    • Dorothy (May) Bradford*, wife 
  • Brewster, William 
    • Mary Brewster, wife
    • Love/Truelove Brewster, 9, son
    • Wrestling Brewster, 6, son
  • Carver, John
    • Catherine (Leggett) (White) Carver, wife
  • Chilton, James*
    • Mrs. Susanna Chilton*, wife
    • Mary Chilton, 13, daughter 
  • Cooke, Francis
    • John Cooke, 13, son
  • Cooper, Humility, 1,  baby daughter of Robert Cooper, in company of her aunt Ann Cooper Tilley
    • John Crackstone, son
  • Cushman, Robert
  • Fletcher, Moses*
  • Fuller, Edward* 
    • Mrs. Edward Fuller*, wife
    • Samuel Fuller, 12, son
  • Fuller, Samuel , (brother to Edward)
  • Goodman, John*
  • Minter, Desire
  • Priest, Degory*
  • Rogers, Thomas* 
    • Joseph Rogers, 17, son
  • Samson, Henry, 16,  child in company of his uncle and aunt Edward and Ann Tilley
  • Tilley, Edward*
    • Ann (Cooper) Tilley*  wife of Edward and aunt of Humilty Cooper and Henry Samson
  • Tilley, John*
    • Joan (Hurst) (Rogers) Tilley*, wife
    • Elizabeth Tilley, 13, daughter
    • Turner, John*
      • boy Turner*, son, died in the winter of 1620.
      • boy Turner*, younger son. died in the winter of 1620.
    • Winslow, Edward 
      • Elizabeth (Barker) Winslow, wife
      • Mrs. Thomas Tinker*, wife
      • boy Tinker*, son, died in the winter of 1620.

Planters recruited by Thomas Weston, of London merchant adventurers

  • Billington, John 
    • Eleanor Billington, wife
    • John Billington, 16, son
    • Francis Billington, 14, son
  • Britteridge, Richard*
  • Browne, Peter 
  • Clarke, Richard*
  • Eaton, Francis 
    • Sarah Eaton*, wife
    • Samuel Eaton, 1, son
  • Gardiner, Richard 
  • Hopkins, Stephen 
    • Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins, wife
    • Giles Hopkins, 12, son by first marriage 
    • Guild, John, (Essex)
    • Constance Hopkins, 14, daughter by first marriage
    • Damaris Hopkins, 1-2, daughter
    • Oceanus Hopkins, born en route
  • Margesson, Edmund*
  • Martin, Christopher* 
    • Mary (Prower) Martin*, wife
  • Mullins, William* 
    • Alice Mullins*, wife
    • Priscilla Mullins, 18, daughter
    • Joseph Mullins*, 14, son
  • Prower, Solomon*
  • Rigsdale, John*
    • Alice Rigsdale*, wife
  • Standish, Myles 
    • Rose Standish, wife
  • Warren, Richard 
  • Winslow, Gilbert , brother to "Pilgrim" Edward Winslow but not known to have lived in Leiden.
  • White, William*
    • Susanna White, wife widowed February 21, 1621, subsequently married Edward Winslow - first Plymouth wedding 
    • Resolved White, 5, son, wife was Judith Vassal
    • Peregrine White', son (born aboard the Mayflower in Provincetown Harbor)

Men hired to stay one year

  • Alden, John - considered a ship's crewman (he was the ship's cooper) but joined settlers
  • Allerton, John*, was listed as a hired man but was apparently related to one of the Pilgrim families on board, Isaac Allerton's, who all came from Leiden. He sailed in order to settle in North America, and was to return to England to help the rest of the group immigrate, but died during the first winter of the Pilgrims' settlement. He may have been a relative of the "Pilgrim" Allerton family.
  • Ely, Richard, hired as seaman, returned to England after term was up but later returned to New England and died there. He is mentioned briefly as a sailor by name of Ely in "Of Plymouth Plantation."
  • English, Thomas*, hired to master a shallop but died in the winter
  • Trevore, William, hired as seaman, returned to England after term was up


Thirteen of the eighteen persons in this category were attached to Pilgrim families, the other five were with non-Pilgrim families. Four of those listed here were small children, given over by Samuel More to Thomas Weston and then to agents John Carver and Robert Cushman, who assigned them to senior Mayflower Pilgrims to be classed as indentured servants. This was all due to scandal involving the children’s mother and her husband Samuel’s effort to dispose of the children by sending them away to Virginia as indentured servants. Long ago, Richard More and his siblings were even thought to have even been parentless London street waifs, but in 1959 a 1622 document revealed their being the product of an adulterous relationship as the reason why the children were sent abroad on the Mayflower.

  • Butten, William*, age: "a youth", servant of Samuel Fuller, died during the voyage
  • Carter, Robert*, teenager, servant or apprentice to William Mullins, shoemaker.
  • --?--, Dorothy, teenager, maidservant of John Carver.
  • Doty, Edward, age probably about 21, servant to Stephen Hopkins
  • Holbeck, William*, age likely under 21, servant to William White
  • Hooke, John*, age 13, apprenticed to Isaac Allerton, died during the first winter
  • Howland, John , age about 21, manservant for Governor John Carver
  • Langmore, John* , age under 21, servant to the Christopher Martin
  • Latham, William, age 11, servant/apprentice to the John Carver family
  • Leister, Edward also spelled Leitster. , aged over 21, servant to Stephen Hopkins 
  • More, Ellen (Elinor)*,  Elinor (Ellen) More, age 8, assigned as a servant of Edward Winslow. She died in November 1620 soon after the arrival of the Mayflower at Cape Cod Harbor.
  • More, Jasper*,  brother, age 7, indentured to John Carver. He died onboard Mayflower in Cape Cod Harbor December 6, 1620. He was buried ashore in the Provincetown area.
  • More, Richard,  brother, age 6, indentured to William Brewster. Richard More is buried in what was known as the Charter Street Burial Ground but is now the Burying Point/Charter Street Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts. He is the only Mayflower passenger to have his gravestone still where it was originally placed sometime in the mid-1690s. Also buried nearby in the same cemetery were his two wives, Christian Hunter More and Jane (Crumpton) More." 
  • More, Mary*,  sister, age 6, assigned as a servant of William Brewster. She died sometime in the winter of 1620/1621. Her burial place is unknown, but may been on Cole's Hill in Plymouth in an unmarked grave as with so many others buried there that winter. As with her sister Ellen, she is recognized on the Pilgrim Memorial Tomb in Plymouth, misidentified after her sister's name as "and a brother (children)" - the statement of calling her "a brother" mistakenly coming from William Bradford's failing memory years after the event of her death.
  • Soule, George, 21-25, servant or employee of Edward Winslow
  • Story, Elias*, age under 21, in the care of Edward Winslow
  • Thompson/Thomson, Edward*, age under 21, in the care of the William White family, first passenger to die after the Mayflower reached Cape Cod.
  • Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family
  • Williams, Thomas*
In all, there were 102 passengers on the Mayflower - 74 males and 28 females


  • Kerr, George


At least two dogs are known to have participated in the settling of Plymouth. In Mourt's Relation Edward Winslow writes that a female mastiff and a small springer spaniel came ashore on the first explorations of what is now Provincetown. There may have been other animals on the Mayflower, but only these two dogs had been mentioned.

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  1. That was interesting. One doesn't often think about the original Mayflower passengers or what happened to them. They went through a lot!


    1. I was so excited when I discovered the list. just a small glance into some amazing history!

  2. Pirates & Pilgrims...I LOVE it!! My kids also love pirates, and I'm sure they would have a blast with this theme! I also loved the history--so fascinating, and such an important part of who we are!

  3. I'm all about mash-ups:) Might be "stealing" your Mayflower handprint craft next week for daycare - SOO cute!!

    1. I'm a handprint nut! Love it! We do them alot around here. Feet too!

  4. Cute projects. Stopping by from God's Growing Garden link party.

  5. Totally pinning this post from the Super Link Party! Great ideas!

  6. This is a fascinating post! - and so creative too! Thank you so much for sharing on my Themed blog hop!

  7. What a cute idea...I've seen lot's of hand print crafts before, but never like that handprint Mayflower!

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing it at our linky party!

  8. Oh my, how adorable is that Mayflower on the paper plate?!! I love it to pieces!! I just pinned it.

  9. My 5 year old drew The Mayflower...then later declared it a pirate ship! ;-) I love the activities!

  10. Your Mayflower handprint is adorable and I love the Mayflower (and pirate) math - such great ideas. Thanks also for the history - I will be pinning this so I remember to come back next year!

  11. Thank you for this! I've been wanting to do Thanksgiving projects with my 3-year-old, but I'm not the greatest at the history part :) I wouldn't have known how to start with teaching him.


  12. Found you via For the Kids Fridays. Had to check this out as I love anything to encourage a love of math at an early age. (Former HS teacher, myself.) I'd love for you to share this at my Season's Best {Thanksgiving} Link-up:

    Thanks so much!

  13. Thanks for all the information - I have seen a lot of crafts for the Mayflower, but since its not really related to the history we study (I'm from South Africa) it was great to get some more information. Your crafts are great!

  14. what fun! we did the same mayflower craft yesterday! Have a Happy Thanksgiving - feel free to link this post up @ Link & Learn

  15. You always have the best ideas for learning. Your little one is lucky for a mama like you.

  16. What a great/fun way to work on math skills. Thanks so much for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  17. What a cute craft and a great way to teach! Thank you for sharing at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase!

  18. Wow, what a great lesson plus I love all your history stuff! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  19. Great mayflower crafts!Thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  20. Love cute! Thank you for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!

  21. This is super, duper cute! Just wanted to let you know I featured you at TGIF this week:

    Thanks for linking up & have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =-)

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