
Friday, November 9, 2012

Turkey Track Leaf Play

I love those awesome old Oak trees that have leaves shaped like turkey feet. I grew up hearing them called Turkey Track trees. Little Mister and I were outside playing yesterday and he noticed some 'turkey track' leaves on the ground. I was so proud of his observation skills and we immediately jumped into the moment. Within seconds we were on a Turkey Track Hunt through a far-away, dark jungle. (I know turkeys don't really live in the jungle, but that's where my little hunter wanted to tromp!)

We brought some of our trophies inside and sorted and matched them according to size. All in all, we had a terrific hunt. We used our imagination and then sharpened some math skills. I'd say it was a successful afternoon!

***No actual leaves were harmed in the evolution of this post! Stunt leaves were employed and promptly released after they served to make Little Mister smarter.***


  1. Sounds fun. Love the pictures. Are you interested in doing a button swap??

  2. I have never herd of turkey leaves!
    looks like it was a fun day!! good for both of you!

  3. Hi, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from Friday Chaos.

    I don't think I've ever seen "turkey track" leaves before1 I love how you turned it into a whole fun outing, great job, Mom!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  4. Cute idea! May be one I do with my daughter.

    New follower via Sunday Sync.

  5. That's so cool! Thanks for linking this to my blog hop!

  6. That was a successful afternoon.
    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

  7. I have never heard them called that (maybe because I grew up in Florida) but I love this idea, and it sounds like you both had a great time! Thanks so much for sharing on the We Made That Linky!!

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