
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wind Detective - Science Play

Scientists use an instrument called an anemometer to tell how fast the wind is blowing.
The device we built is a model of a wind speed indicator. A real one will be able to accurately measure how fast the wind is blowing.

We used hot glue to attach the cups to the plate

Science Behind the Play:

Measuring Wind Speed - As the wind blows, the cups catch the blowing wind and turn on the stick. Each time the anemometer makes a full rotation, the wind speed is measured by the number of revolutions per minute (RPM). The number of revolutions can be recorded over time and an average is determined.
This anemometer can not tell the wind speed in miles per hour, but it can give you an idea of how fast the wind is blowing.

Using your watch, count the number of times the colored rimmed cup spins around in one minute. You are measuring the wind speed in revolutions (turns) per minute. Weather forecasters' anemometers convert the revolutions per minute into miles per hour (or kilometers per hour). Keep a record of the wind speeds you're measuring for the next few days.

Measure the wind speed at different times of the day. Is it the same in the morning; the afternoon; the evening? Move your anemometer to another location. Is it windier in other places? Do trees or buildings block the wind?


  1. Love this! I'm always looking for educational hands-on crafty type things for my 3-year-old.

    I'm starting a new linky party today and would love it your linked up at

  2. This is such a great idea, so simple. Thanks for sharing. Ellie

  3. What a cute idea! I'm loving the name of your blog too :o)

    Thanks for partying with us this week at Keep Calm & Link Up!! Happy Friday!!
    xo, Meredith @

  4. I am inviting you to come and share this in my Show Your Stuff blog hop, the party runs from Thursday evening until Tuesday:

  5. how fun!!! the best way to learn!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  6. What a creative and fun way to learn! I have pinned this to do with my kids. Thank you for linking up to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop this week!

    1. I'm sure you will capture a crazy face picture as well!!! lol

  7. My boys would have so much fun with this - pinning it for our future weather unit.

  8. Excellent activity. It's simple, educational and creative. It reminds me of the water wheel my kids made.

    1. ohhh... We have plans for a water wheel in the near future! maybe we should take a look at yours. Is it on your blog?

  9. Science! We love it and this is a wonderful project.

    We'd love it if you stop by and share it at our linky party:

    We Hope you stop by!

  10. How fun! I want to make one and try it myself. HA.

  11. Very cool. We made one of these to illustrate a steam engine one time and poured water on it, but ours wasn't as sturdy so it fell apart very quickly. I like how you put yours together.

    Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday!

  12. Oh, how fun!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  13. How COOL! Thanks for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  14. Awesome!!!Thank you for sharing such type of information....


  15. I love this activity. I just posted about it on my facebook page. When the spring rolls around I hope to have my kids do this too. Thanks -

  16. This is so brilliant - a must do!

    I would love for you to link up this and your other science posts at Empty Your Archive link party - there is a special focus this week on science experiments, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

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