
Monday, December 10, 2012

A Snowflake Authority - Bentley

By: Jacqueline Briggs Martin
What a great book. It is an autobiography about Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley, a photographer/scientist who studied snowflakes. Over time he discovered that all snowflakes are different.

Actual photos by Bentley

We made several different snowflakes of our own. And being true to science... no two were alike!

Buttons, pom-poms, glitter, cotton balls, gems and sequins ... Oh My!

Jericho, Vermont

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  1. What a cute idea! I bet my son would love doing something like this

    I'm your newest follower from the Monday Mingle

  2. Looks like you guys make some great looking snowflakes. I bet it was fun :)

  3. Bentleys work was so cool! Thank god for him that I could see those beautiful snowflake photos. Thank you for sharing it! Your snowflakes look very cool too, great idea to use popsticks :)

  4. they look great. What a great craft project.

  5. So cute! I love that you used literature to introduce your craft. Saving that idea for next year when my baby girl is a bit older.

  6. My eldest made snowflakes at preschool last week, they are such a great idea!!

  7. We love making these snowflakes! Thanks for visiting my blog. :) I'm your newest follower!

  8. I love this post! We studied snowflakes a couple of years ago in our homeschool classroom. It was so much fun! Stopping by to say thank you for following me at last week's MMM. Have a Merry Christmas!!

  9. We have made similar snowflakes. Yours came out great! Thanks so much for sharing on We Made That.

  10. So many different snowflakes, all super cute!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  11. I remember learning about Snowflake Bentley in school and reading that very same book. Thanks for sharing on Eco Kids.

  12. I have never heard of him before. What a cool book! I am going to share this post on the Read.Explore.Learn. Facebook page today.

  13. Oh, how neat!! And something new to learn. I had never heard of him. I love the cotton ball one! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

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