
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chocolate Milk Comes from A Cow?

A local dairy farm recently had their 1st Annual Dairy Festival. They were to have hay rides, games, taste testing, cows to pet and feed, bon-fire, food and a tour of the creamery. I have always wanted to see a Dairy farm in action so we made the amazingly short drive.
After we made the trek from the back-forty (literally), Little Mister became so excited that he said cow about 10,000 times. He was so fun to watch. He would go to some of the cages and whisper, "come here cow". One little obstinate calf refused to obey so Little Mister tried to call him like he does our cat!

He made some fast friends.

He also discovered the joy of The Corn Crib!

We sampled some cheese. And Oh was it good...
See that look? It says, Keep your hands off my cheese!!

Finally, we toured the creamery. This farm is organic and pasteurizes their milk on site. By far the best chocolate milk I have ever tasted. 
Of course the best part was when Little Mister discovered that Chocolate Milk comes from a cow.


  1. Such cute pics! Returning the follow.

  2. Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Your little one is adorable!! I love those pics of kids with the floppy hats. Classic childhood photo. I wish they had places like this in the town i live in. Its kinda mundane. Anyway, I am following you on facebook and GCF!

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