
Monday, October 8, 2012

All Aboard!

 What little boy doesn't like trains? Mine is currently in Love.
Everyday we pass this old (recently restored) historic train depot. I finally took the time to stop and visit.  Inside were some old photographs and a few other odds and ends that little hands should not touch. The outside was its redeeming quality. It is beautiful. I believe Little Mister enjoyed going up and down the stairs more than anything else. We played until the mowers showed up... this was our cue to scram!
(He is a little scared of LOUD noises.)

 These were some really neat old pictures of the depot. In the top picture it is on the right. In the lower picture it is far back and on the left.

Of course our activities for the day had to be ALL about trains!
We practiced spelling his name on a Name Train.

I fired up the Photoshop and made a quick Train Trace Pre-Writing practice sheet.

Have you tried this with your kiddos? I actually still have one from my childhood.
Pennies on the Rail Road tracks.
Before and After


  1. Believe it or not when my son was little he didn't care much for trains! My daughter on the other hand was very much into trains and cars! Very smart of you to use his new 'lovr' as an educational opportunity! And yes, I have tried this 'coin on the railroad tracks' game too!

    1. Awesome things shouldn't be gender specific.. HeeHee. I grew up with all boy cousins and we got the same toys for Christmas. I still have a box of HotWheels that were mine as a child. When Little Mister gets a little older, I will let him look at them. =0)

  2. My boys were crazy over trains when they were little!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

  3. My son was train obsessed for many years as a young child. I never did try the penny on the tracks though. :( Thanks for linking up with us over at NOBH! Please grab our button and add it to your post or sidebar.

  4. What fun train activities!! Thanks so much for linking up to Tot School Tuesday on See Vanessa Craft :)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful time! I had no idea about the penny tricks...good to know!

    Thank you for linking up at the Harvest of Friends Weekend Blog Hop this past week!

  6. my lads love trains and we have loads in our house. Luckily we pass a train track when we walk to school too.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Visiting via happy Family Times.

  7. Julie - My guys love trains too! Fun projects here!

    I've made both of my boys train lap books. Here's the link if you need more train ideas.

  8. the name train = pure genius!! love it! i've wanted to try the pennies on a train track forever! thanks for linking this up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  9. My little boy has train-fever! He has drawn the whole family into it and we're having a blast. Just had his 5th birthday party at a railroad. Here is the link if you want to check it out: Stopping by from I Can Teach My Child. :)

  10. That prewriting page is great and really helps them learn to control their pen. The name train is awesome too. How did he do when the train came by? My kids would love that! Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library.

  11. what a FUN study! I love the name train =-)

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I so look forward to seeing everyone's creativity. I hope you link up again tomorrow =-)

  12. Once again, I see that our boys would definitely get along. My preschooler loves trains and visiting train stations is one of his favorite outings. I especially love the name train.

  13. My son loves trains, too! Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  14. Oh, how fun!! My daughter loves them too! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  15. I love the name train! And I'm printing off the prewriting activity right now. Thanks!

    - Jessica from (my OpenID isn't working...sigh...)
