
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Making Our Own Fall Y'all

I hate to be the barer of bad news, but not everyone's Fall season starts with a specific date on a calendar! Where we live, the air conditioner runs on full blast well past Christmas. Our Fall weather usually hits in January and our Winter in February. March is always if-y and by April, it's hot! Oh the joys of living in the Deep South. (However, I must add here that I am Southern by the grace of God... *wink*)

Anyway, we have been seeing all these beautiful fall crafts and activities on blogs and have found it really hard to get into the Fall spirit. Today we decided to take matters into our own hands, literally!

First thing this morning we grabbed some paint brushes and went outside to pick an unsuspecting tree. We painted some red, orange and yellow leaves. What do you think? I believe the tree looks satisfied with its new look. Sort of a mix between: I can do Fall and These colors don't make me look fat!

After creating a Fall fashion show in our front yard, we made an appearance at Nonnie's. It was decided that she too needed a touch of Fall spirit. We gathered up some FALLen leaves from her yard and made some mini trees. We simply glued our collected leaves to a piece of thin cardboard cut into the shape of a tree canopy and attached it to a toilet paper tube by slitting each side of the tube. These leaves received the royal treatment and are the envy of ALL their peers. Who wouldn't love them? They're fabulous! 

It may still be hot here but, with some imagination, we are experiencing Fall.
Happy Fall Y'all!


  1. Love your blog, found you through Follow Me Wednesday :)

  2. what a cute boy... i have a lovely daughter also. i find your blog lovely and inspiring. followed you through Follow Me Wednesday...looking forward to your future updates! :-)

    1. Thanks so much. Your kind words have made my day!

  3. It has yet to feel like Fall here either. We should try this!

    1. I had to do something! LOL. We have seen so many fun Fall crafts and activities but my Little Mister is still in the pool!

  4. Hello from Greece! Here it is like July so yoyr ideas are great to do with kids to bring fall here too!

    1. My brother visits friends in Greece often. The pictures are so beautiful! Thamks for stopping by!
      Be blessed,

  5. I love this activity. We will definitely have to try it. Thanks for following/checking out The Good Long Road. I think our boys would definitely get along! I see a kindred spirit through the activities you do with your son.

  6. I nominated you for an award! Check it out:

  7. I am from Florida so I totally understand the no Fall or Winter. I love the idea of painting the leafs on the tree and it really looks like fall leafs! Thanks so much for sharing on the we made that Linky!

    1. We are not to far away geographically. The paint was environment safe so after our first rain, we were back to green! We may have to do it again!

  8. What a cute activity! Thank you for linking up this week to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop!

  9. I love this idea! I found you through the Mom's Library link up and I think your blog is great. I'm out in California, and it is so depressing having 96 degree weather when it's supposed to be fall! I'll definitely have to try these activities with my little girl.

    1. Thanks! Sunny Cal, a place I love to visit! We've been in the 90's here too! Last night it actually got down in the mid-60s and felt sooo nice. Bring on fall!

  10. I'm finally getting around to visiting bloggers from last Wednesday's blog hop and my Boo game. Thanks for playing the game and for visiting me! I'm now one of your "buddies." :) I love your idea of creating crafts to get into the fall spirit. I'm a Texas gal, and we've finally experienced a cool front this week, so it's feeling appropriate to get out our fall decorations, but I'm still wearing shorts and flip flops.

    Bonny @

  11. Haha! I love the fall fashion on your trees. Your fall is definitely different from ours. It is freezing at night and then sunny and warm in the afternoon. It makes dressing your children very confusing. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  12. I love that your son painted the leaves while they were still on the tree!! Too fun and you had a place for them to dry =-)

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you linked up again on Friday,
    Beth =-)

  13. Sometimes we need to take matters into our own hands. I love the idea of painting leaves to help get into the spirit of Fall season. Thank you for joining us at NOBH.

  14. Oh, how fun!! I love that you painted your own leaves. Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  15. What a fun idea for experiencing fall colors! Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  16. This is such a fun project...thanks so much for sharing at Thanksgiving Treats and Fall Fun!

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