
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rocks in my Socks

We are still working on activities for name recognition. 
He knows they are the letters of his name because he calls them "Rylee's letters". However, he continues to put them in the wrong order. So, I have been looking for any and all opportunities to review his name over the past few weeks. We sing songs while driving in car. I usually change the B-I-N-G-O song to his name. The beginning of the song usually changes depending on the places we are going or what we are doing at the time. He enjoys it as I'm sure do passing motorists. My friends tell me that I can get a little animated. We got an applause from a near by car once while sitting at a stop light. Hey, when there's a song in your heart , a girls just gotta let it out!

Anywho, when we go outside to play my Little Mister is automatically drawn to the rocks in our driveway. Usually I ask to find shapes or specific colored rocks, but today he had his own agenda. He brings me several rocks that are flat on one side. Of course flat rocks just cry out for something to be put on them right? Right! In this instance, we labeled them with the letters of his name and I Mod Podged over it. Once dry, we dropped them in a sock and let the play begin.


  1. Linked over from the blog hop....b/c of the choc milk name. That is the first thing we hear in the morning also from our Avie. Your little one is a doll.

  2. What a creative learning idea! My kids accuse me of using Mod Podge on everything but I have never thought to use it on rocks. Thank you for linking up this week to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop!

    1. I'm just discovering that wonderful stuff! I'm sure that accusation is in my near future as well!

  3. What a cute and simple idea! Sweet Pea is in the same boat, so I might try this!

    Thanks again for checking out Mom is the Only Girl!

  4. Hi! I'm new follower here and I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I'm still getting caught up but I have a little boy and we also call him little Mister! :) and I think you're story is already amazing and I just started reading. I'm super excited to have found your blog tonight and can't wait to read more. stop by sometime!

    1. Thank you! It really means a lot to me hearing that. Makes the efforts even more pleasurable knowing someone is enjoying our posts! Thanks again for stopping by and I will come by and visit you as well.
      Be blessed,

  5. Hi! I am just finding your blog (through the Lovin the Weekend hops at Tot's and Me) and it looks like you have some great ideas! I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and am always looking for fun stuff for her to do. :-) I'm sure I'll be back soon.

  6. Oh, how fun!! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  7. Very cute! We've been having a lot of fun with name recognition around here, too. Thank you for linking up to The Sunday Showcase.

  8. So sweet. I would want my name on rocks, too! :)

  9. A simple game to help children learn how to spell their name. Great idea! Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

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